Saturday, August 23, 2008


only a few more days before the world is introduced to the next president of the united states of america. if it were up to me, i'd appoint the next president today and be over with all the campaigning that falls short on the issues. nobody cares how many houses the candidates have, or whether obama stopped dyeing his hair to appear older. i digress; my appointee would be senator barrack obama simply because as senator john mccain reminds us, obama is a celebrity.

america needs a celebrity to rally the electorate behind issues that have gone horribly wrong during the last eight years. issues include education, health care, financial markets,
respect for international law especially sovereign states, etc.

how many spoke up when the bush white house started making nice with a couple of countries in the axis of evil? did anyone raise hell given that congress hasn't really done anything for the past several months? what of the number of laws that the republicans have rewritten to accomodate their neoconservative agenda?

i shake my head in disaapointment as i watch the democratic party muddle their presidential asspirations. i often say they are too democratic for their own good. it doesn't help that the democratic party's presumptive nominee is thumbing his nose at corporate america. big business is a staple in the white house and for this reason, 44 will be none other than john mccain.